The Perfect Setup
A short guide with everything you need to set-up REAPER the right way. All with straightforward descriptions and illustrated steps for the best follow along experience!
🚀 Now updated for REAPER 7!
🇪🇸 Click here for spanish version → La Configuración Perfecta de REAPER 7
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- 19mb PDF Document
- 80+ pages of useful REAPER setup tips!
- REAPER 7 & REAPER 6 versions included.
The Perfect Setup
You will get:
- 19mb PDF Document
- 80+ pages of useful REAPER setup tips!
- REAPER 7 & REAPER 6 versions included.

Learn the best settings for REAPER 7
This eBook will guide you through the process of adjusting REAPER 7 settings to best suit your workflow.
It is designed for both beginners and experienced users, offering detailed instructions on how to optimize REAPER settings for your unique workflow.
What’s inside?
'The Perfect Setup' is filled with useful tips, illustrations, and easy-to-follow instructions for an amazing experience in setting up REAPER exactly how you want it.
Included are:
- Backup & Project Management
- How to properly save REAPER projects
- Different ways to Navigate REAPER
- Interface customization
- CPU & Latency troubleshooting
- Performance optimizations
- And more!
Why did I make this?
Setting up REAPER for the first time can be challenging. With so many options and some unusual default settings, it might feel overwhelming or frustrating, especially for new users.
That's why I created this eBook. I wanted to create a guide that you can easily grab and quickly set up REAPER the way you want. It includes straightforward descriptions and illustrated steps for the best follow-along experience 🥰
I love REAPER with all my heart. I've been using it for over 14 years and, even though I've tried many other DAWs, I always come back to REAPER for the same reason: no other DAW is as flexible and powerful.
Being so flexible isn't always good, though. It means options and tons of them. That's why most people feel intimidated by REAPER. And I was there. In my early REAPER days, I kept encountering things that frustrated me.
But everything changed when I discovered that much about REAPER can be customized to your own taste, and that's honestly huge. Investing some time in customizing the perfect DAW is super worth it in the long run.
I hope this eBook will help you set up REAPER exactly the way you want! 🤩